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It has been nearly a decade since “Smallville” went off the air. However, its legacy lives on. Tom Welling recently reprised his role as Clark Kent for the Arrow-verse crossover “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” On his podcast this past year, Michael Rosenbaum interviewed Welling and their “Smallville” co-stars for “Inside of You.”
I know I am a little late to the party on this. Better late than never, though. Thank you, Spotify suggestions! If you were ever a fan of “Smallville,” you will want to listen to “Smallville” week on “Inside of You.” So far, yours truly has caught up on Michael Rosenbaum's interview with Kristin Kreuk (Lana Lang) and John Glover (Lionel Luthor).
There are some great insights from both interviews. Kristin Kreuk and John Glover each reminisce with Michael Rosenbaum over their time on “Smallville.” They also provide fresh insight into their careers both before and after the incomparable superhero drama. It is a neat opportunity all these years after the show wrapped in 2011, and it is likely to make fans want a revival all the more.
Back when “Smallville” was on the air, television media was not where it is now. A few blurbs here and there. The in-depth analysis and deep slate of post-episode interviews were not nearly as prevalent as they (thankfully) are today. “Smallville” landed when that transition was happening, and before it entirely arrived.
To get to hear from Michael Rosenbaum and the “Smallville” cast discuss the series on “Inside of You,” all these years later is an absolute thrill. For instance, Rosenbaum and Kristin Kreuk (listen here) discuss working together on “Lexmas” during her interview. “Lexmas” is one of my all-time favorite “Smallville” episodes and Christmas specials, period. Hence, their discussion and thoughts on it were exciting to hear.
In their episode (listen here), John Glover and Michael Rosenbaum dish their time playing the complicated father and son duo -- Lionel and Lex Luthor. The greatest father and son dynamic television has ever seen, in my humble opinion. Among the things learned during their interview is that Glover helped Rosenbaum with a scene during that amazing tornado episode of “Smallville,” early in its run.
Like I said, “Inside of You” provides an absolute gold mine for fans. Next on my list is Michael Rosenbaum's interview(s) with Tom Welling. Yes, there is more than one! It will be interesting to hear them chat about their time on the show together. They always brought such a believable resonance to Lex and Clark's tragically doomed friendship.
Listening to the “Smallville” episodes of the podcast that I have certainly brought back some wonderful memories. Few shows have meant as much to me as the Superman prequel. It was a nostalgic thrill to be able to travel back in time and hear the cast speak so fondly of the show.
I really wish Netflix or Amazon Prime Video would put the whole series up. For now, Hulu has that honor. Having watched a few episodes here and there since it wrapped, I know it stands the test of time. Thus, opening the door for viewers who may have missed it the first time around to experience the wonder of it.
That theme song! Those performances! The writing! I love “Smallville.” Before the whole Arrow-verse crossover, I penned a feature for CinemaBlend pitching a Luthor-centric “Smallville” reboot/revival. You can read all about it here. Please let someone in the universe make it so!
As for Michael Rosenbaum, he will always be the personal standard when it comes to the portrayal of Lex Luthor. His work in Season 3's “Shattered” and “Asylum” (among other episodes) was downright Emmy-worthy. Rosenbaum got the character of Lex Luthor in a way no one else has, and the writing served him well with its multi-layered complexities. Those episodes left me angry with Clark for a long time.
All told, “Smallville” was an incredibly special show. Thanks to “Inside of You,” this viewer got a chance to gain new insight into it, and I would encourage other fans to follow suit. Now, yours truly is off to listen to that sure-to-be-amazing Tom Welling interview.
As of January 2020, you can currently watch “Smallville” in its entirety on Hulu.
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