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When “Vikings” left off, Bjorn (Alexander Ludwig) seemed fated to join his parents in Valhalla. Ragnar and Lagertha’s son had sustained a life-threatening stab wound. Bjorn appeared impaled in his center mass. So, does he miraculously survive in Season 6B? The answer is a tad complicated.
Spoiler Alert: Spoilers for Bjorn Ironside's fate in “Vikings” Season 6B get discussed below. Do not read any further unless you want to know if Bjorn survives or not. Without further ado, this is Bjorn’s fate in Part 2 of Season 6 on Amazon Prime Video.
Bjorn survives the initial impaling. His condition is undoubtedly fatal, though. For Bjorn’s wives and those around him, it is not a question of if he dies rather a question of when he will. Ivar and Prince Oleg (Danila Kozlovsky) celebrate Bjorn’s inevitable death in Season 6, Episode 11 (“King of Kings”) as Ragnar’s eldest attempts to make amends with those he has hurt on “Vikings.”
'Vikings' Interview: Alexander Ludwig On Bjorn’s Season 6B Fate
Bjorn agonizes on his death bed over his past actions and shares his regrets with Ingrid (Lucy Martin), who he never wronged. In Part 1 of “Vikings” Season 6, he cheated on his wife -- Gunnhild -- with Ingrid and then entered into a plural marriage at Gunnhild’s suggestion. Gunnhild holds no grudges, though. Towards the episode’s end, Bjorn is ready for Valhalla, but not before a final act of defiance.
Bjorn’s Last Act
At his request, Gunnhild dresses Bjorn up in his battle armor and he heads out on his horse to meet Oleg and Ivar’s forces. They have been falsely told that Bjorn is dead when he is actually still alive. When Bjorn arrives on the battlefield, one of Oleg’s guys shoots several arrows into Bjorn, and he still does not die. Bjorn, not dying, freaks out his opponents.
Ivar does not believe it possible because Bjorn is not a god. To which, Hvitserk reminds Ivar that he is not one either. From there, Bjorn raises his sword, and Norway’s forces swell, boxing in Rus’s forces from both sides. An emotional Gunnhild retells that the “Kings and Queens, Jarls and Earls of Norway” answered Bjorn’s summons, and fought to save Norway. It is Bjorn’s final act, and it works.
TV Review: Does “Vikings” Season 6B Deliver a Worthy Final Bow?
Oleg and Ivar (Alex Høgh Andersen) get defeated, and the Rus return home. Before the Season 6B premiere ends, Bjorn dies on his horse, and his body gets enshrined in a cave-like crypt. With Bjorn goes the last original character of “Vikings.” The rest are newbies, and the move is shocking, considering Bjorn’s status on the show.
In the first half of Season 6, Bjorn was the King of Kattegat, and it seemed as though “Vikings” would shift to have Bjorn lead it to the finish line. The promotional art even indicated he would succeed Ragnar. Not so fast. Bjorn turns out to be far from center-stage in Season 6B, although he predicts Ingrid is carrying his child before he dies. Is he right?
The Fallout
Bjorn’s legacy does end up casting a shadow over many things that happen next in Kattegat and on “Vikings.” In the wake of his death in Season 6B’s premiere, Bjorn’s widows -- Gunnhild and Ingrid – battle for the throne of Kattegat. What happens in their war of wills will not get spoiled here, so stay tuned to Eclectic Pop for more insight.
Suffice it to say that Bjorn’s name gets mentioned more than a few times as Season 6 comes to a close. He is the rallying cry for both Gunnhild (Ragga Ragnars) and Ingrid as their storyline plays out. One of whose devotion to him seems more genuine than the other. At least, to me. (I am Team Gunnhild all the way.)
You can watch what happens after Bjorn dies by watching the rest of Season 6B. As of December 30, Part 2 of “Vikings” Season 6 is now available to binge in its entirety on Amazon Prime Video. It is there alongside some other stunning costume dramas worth checking out, including “Ekaterina.”
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