Overview: Pretty Little Liars had their latter half of the 3 rd season. This season saw the liars once again sniffing out the traitors among them and revealing those who were loyal. Storyline Direction: Overall, this season was perpetually sluggish. The oh-so predictable Toby turnaround was
It’s that time of year again. Most of your favorite shows are coming to an end. As each show has its finale, I will review their season and assess a grade for how well they did. The categories that compose that grade will be based on the writing (storyline direction), performance quality and
“Unlike Any Other” is a sensational song from folk rock band Delta Rae off of their debut album “Carry the Fire”. This is a simple heartfelt ballad that is riveting. Elizabeth Hopkins’ vocals are ethereal, powerful and downright amazing. I had the pleasure of seeing them live in concert and they
While, “Unlike Any Other” is a phenomenal song, the entire “Carry the Fire” album is on par with it. It has something for everyone, there are so many genres touched on that if you’re just a fan of music in general, this album will appeal to you. From folk to blues to country to pop to bluegrass to